Über uns / IN Approved Qualifications
Brought to you by Instituto Arline Davis
This program trains facilitators in organizations to use NLP models and tools for designing and delivering interactive presentations to groups in both live face-to-face contexts and on-line live transmissions, on platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet.
Brought to you by REDes del desarrollo humano
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the discipline that studies and models excellence, that is, how outstanding individuals and organizations obtain their results, together with Psychology, the model of "NLP Specialist with Psychology" is where the Biopsychosocial model, the Social determinants of Health and Clinical Psychology are articulated, to achieve a greater and better understanding of human behavior, a more ethical and responsible task.
La Programación Neurolingüística (PNL) es la disciplina que estudia y modela la excelencia, es decir, cómo los individuos y las organizaciones destacadas, obtienen sus resultados, junto con la Psicología, se crea el modelo de “Especialista en PNL con Psicología” donde se articulan el modelo Biopsicosocial, los determinantes Sociales de la Salud y la Psicología Clínica, para lograr una mayor y mejor comprensión del comportamiento humano un quehacer más ético y responsable
Brought to you by UnaVita
The goal of this training program is to improve communication skills in the conscious use and reading of non-verbal communication reinforced with elements of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). After the 6-day training, participants will learn how to consciously and congruently use the body in communication; they will learn how to reflect their body language, and how to bring themselves to a resourceful state using their body (As the mind shapes the body, so the body shapes the mind). The possibility of holding training programs in English and Croatian language. Sign up for this program.
Brought to you by UnaVita
The goal of this training program is to acquire skills in assessing the credibility of what others communicate to you based on their non-verbal and verbal communication. During the training program, you will learn how to improve your ability to analyze verbal and non-verbal behaviors and how to develop questioning strategies to obtain valuable information from others. The possibility of holding training programs in English and Croatian language. Sign up for this training program.
Brought to you by Instituto Arline Davis
The NLP Sales Communication course is a unique opportunity to become an exceptional sales professional with effective, creative and personalized communication skills. You'll learn to use NLP and coaching techniques to positively influence prospects, overcome objections, elicit values and close deals.
Brought to you by nlpaed
Die Ausbildung zum "LernCoach (nlpaed), IN" befähigt Interessierten die hochwirksamen Methoden des NLP kreativ, altersgerecht und flexibel einsetzen zu können. Sie erfahren, wie sie Lernende einzeln oder in Gruppen auf dem Weg zu Lernkompetenz, Lernfreude und Selbstverantwortung begleiten.
Brought to you by nlpaed
Der "LernCoach-Master (nlpaed), IN" stellt eine Vertiefung, Erweiterung und Spezialsierung der LernCoach-Inhalte dar. Aus verschiedenen Spezialangeboten von verschiedenen LernCoach-Trainern (nlpaed) kann sich jeder Teilnehmende aussuchen, was er noch vertiefen möchte, z.B. Coaching- und Trainingskompetenzen, Erweiterte Ressourcenarbeit, Lernkompetenzen, Gesundheitsförderung, Elternberatung, Ausbilderbegleitung, Persönlichkeit, Marketing usw. Eingangsvoraussetzung ist die erfolgreiche Teilnahme beim "LernCoach nlpaed, IN".
Brought to you by Supervision IN
Die Ausbildung zum "Supervisor / Supervisorin, IN" befähigt Interessierte auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen als Supervisor agieren zu können. Neben der Methodenkompetenz für spezielle Supervisionsmethoden, werden die Inhalte von verschiedenen Supervisionstypen und -formen vermittelt. Rechtliche Aspekte finden ebenso ihren Raum, wie auch die Definition der persönlichen Rolle als Supervisor / Supervisorin. Die Teilnehmenden werden in die Lage versetzt in unterschiedlichen Institutionen, in Begleitung von Team und einzelnen Menschen tätig zu werden.
Brought to you by Instituto Arline Davis
This program provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of Evolutionary NLP techniques, integrating various advanced methodologies. The course aims to develop competencies in personal and professional growth, leveraging models like NeuroSemantics, Neuro-Social Panorama, Structural Constellations, and Spiral Dynamics.