IN Curricula

About Us / IN Curricula

Each IN qualification has its own curriculum, which consists of the training duration, the training content and many other details. The "IN Certification Guidelines" contain an overview of all qualifications and the necessary information on a certificate. All IN qualifications can be found below. Each qualification has a PDF containing the training content and many other details.
Additional accredited, special IN qualifications are listed here.

"NLP Trainer, IN"

48 days 360 hours

incl. "NLP Master, IN"

The qualification "NLP Trainer, IN" consists all in all of at least 390 hours/54 days NLP training. The admission requirements for the module "NLP Trainer, IN" are the modules: "NLP Practitioner, IN" (130 hours/18 days) and "NLP Master, IN" (130 hours/18 days). The module "NLP Trainer, IN" consists as well of 130 hours/18 days NLP training. At least 1 year of NLP experience since the beginning of the certification training "NLP Practitioner, IN" is required. The training module "NLP Trainer, IN" includes 15 hours supervision regarding the self organized seminar, a practical testing and an individual Trainer Conception as written testing.
A seal entitled 'NLP Master Trainer, IN' who offers a 'NLP Trainer, IN' training needs an assistance in a "NLP Trainer, IN" Training (18 days) and his first "NLP Trainer, IN" training needs to be designed and conducted at least by 2 'NLP Master Trainer, IN'.

"NLP Advanced Master, IN"

45 days 325 hours

"NLP Master, IN"

36 days 260 hours

incl. "NLP Practitioner, IN"

The qualification "NLP Master, IN" consists all in all of at least 260 hours/36 days NLP training. The admission requirements for the module "NLP Master, IN" is the qualification "NLP Practitioner, IN" with 130 hours/18 days NLP training. The module "NLP Master, IN" consists as well of 130 hours/18 days NLP training, including practical and written testing.

"NLP Practitioner, IN"

18 days 130 hours

incl. "NLP Communication, IN"

The qualification "NLP Practitioner, IN" consists of at least 130 hours/18 days NLP training, including practical and written testing.

"NLP Technician, IN"

10 days 80 hours

incl. "NLP Communication, IN"

"NLP Technician, IN" can be accepted with 80 hours/10 days as part of the 130 hours/18 days. In this case the module "NLP Practitioner, IN" training has at least 50 hours in 8 days and "NLP Technician, IN" needs to be mentioned on the certificate and on websites with the required hours and days as entry qualification.

"NLP Communication, IN"

5 days 40 hours

The qualification "NLP Communication, IN" consists of at least 40 hours/5 days NLP training, including written testing. These 5 days are the first 5 days of a "NLP Practitioner, IN" qualification.