Uwe Wischhöfer

Uwe Wischhöfer

"NLP Master, IN"

  • YIDO.eu
  • Member since Aug 28, 2024
  • Country Germany

"NLP Master, IN"

Has achieved "NLP Master, IN"

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About Uwe Wischhöfer

My experience that I can offer in my coaching:

- over 50 years of experience as a martial artist (Hapkido Master 5th Dan and Coach, Taekwondo Master 5th Dan)

- over 25 years of practical work as a teacher & master, martial arts school owner and trainer, as well as club board member 

- over 15 years as an author and editor of various martial arts magazines on the subject of martial arts, fitness & IGING - over 5 years as NLP Practitioner (2018) & NLP Master (2019) with certification in DVNLP + NLP Master, IN (2024)

- currently in further NLP training to become an NLP trainer

- current development of the online magazine YIDO mindset on YIDO.eu, which was launched in February 2024

My coaching 

As a 100% Kinest (emotional person), I can empathize very well with people's concerns. With knowledge of Asian wisdom teachings and the deeper possibilities of neurolinguistic programming, I know many approaches and tools to change the perspective of my coaches. With theoretical but above all practical interventions, I see myself as being able to resolve situations that seem to be procedural to create motivation for new behaviors that can be life-changing. For me, personality DEVELOPMENT does not mean trying to counteract something; for me as a coach, it means assisting so that the talents there come to the fore and experience their positive development. I show ways to get missing resources back. Nothing more and nothing less!

My experience about "NLP Master, IN"

Es ist mir ein Bedürfnis Jedem, der das möchte mit den modernen Mitteln unserer Zeit, aber auch mit den alten asiatischen Lehrmethoden Wege zu einem gesunden und glücklichen Leben im Hier und Jetzt aufzuzeigen.
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