Mis Omnia Negm

Mis Omnia Negm

"NLP Practitioner, IN"

"NLP Practitioner, IN"

Has achieved "NLP Practitioner, IN" at The Field Of Awakening by Abdul-Rahman Abdullah.

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About Mis Omnia Negm

Omnia Negm is Business Consultant, with more than 21 years of experience in Different type of companies; Multinational, International, Start Up, Family Business. And Different Industries;

Telecommunications, Mobile Device, Sports, Consumer Electronics

Omnia has diversified experience in many fields on a managerial level and academic studies like MBA in marketing management, leadership, COPC Certificate in customer experience, 6 Sigma Black Belt in Quality management process, sales, call center management, positive psychology, and NLP.

Omnia is Delivered more than 1000 Training Hours in Different type of Management topics at online platform like Al Mentor, E3mel Business, LearnKhana in addition of working as Business Consultant for startup Companies.

Omnia Working as Customer Experience General Manager at El Araby Group and Business Management Trainer at AUC.

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