Maree Stachel-Williamson

Maree Stachel-Williamson

"NLP Master, IN"

  • Member since May 20, 2022
  • Country New Zealand

"NLP Master, IN"

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About Maree Stachel-Williamson

Maree combines NLP with other modalities such as person-centred counselling, mindfulness (MBSR) and sex therapy.  Helping people improve their sex lives is an area she feels passionate about as well as reconnecting with pleasure in life in general and cultivating kindness towards oneself.

Other topics she works with include relationships and communication, grief, and supporting people through times of transition such as approaching retirement, the kids leaving home, changing jobs, etc.


My experience about "NLP Master, IN"

Since gaining the Master Practitioner level of training in 2004, NLP has formed the foundation of all of my therapeutic work.
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