Brigita Mirković

Brigita Mirković

"NLP Practitioner, IN"

  • Member since Sep 27, 2024
  • Country Serbia

"NLP Practitioner, IN"

Has achieved "NLP Practitioner, IN" at Power of Communication Institute by Tatjana Vojtehovski.

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About Brigita Mirković


My previous business experiences
were mostly related to sales.
Both for selling services and for
sale of different products.

My experience about "NLP Practitioner, IN"

I am proud, happy and grateful to myself that I decided to go through the experience of education at the NLP Institute. I am especially grateful to the coaches who endlessly and unselfishly shared their knowledge and experiences with us, provided us with support and awakened in us, the belief that we can, and deserve, and actually owe it to ourselves , to realize our potential and be what we always wanted to be.
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