Im a proffessional coach and of course i have about 3 decads background of executive & managerial work with diverse and relaible experiences. you may know what coach and coaching are. Well, coaching is an expertise with a set of knowledge & skills to remove inner barriers and help people show the best version of themselves. What an attractive deffinition ! Youll be more surprised while see its process and results.
You may say ive met several experts and consultants related to change & development, but their solutions were not acceptable and executive. Its not so strange, as coaches we believe that solutions should originate from the inner self, because you are more familiar with your personal & proffessional problems. My job is to help you make this dream come true.
As an expert in human resourses management (HR) and a proffessional coach im commited to help you through discovering & making known your internal barriers and also your great capacities to create the best ideas & most executive solutions related to your personal and proffessional goals.
The uniqe featur of my work is introdusing your valuable & powerfull inner toolbox to yourself which is able to know and solve all of your problems.
Hence, a bright and wonderful path is ahead of you, dont miss that.