Fernando from Peru with Karl from Germany

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Fernando from Peru with Karl from Germany

This interview was on We-Evolve.World Facebook on 13 October 2020
Fernando Gil Sanllehí from Peru and Karl Nielsen from Germany

It is about the Jamming Institute in Peru, about We-Evolve. World, and about the Thinking Styles Assessment from Jamming Institute.  

Below you find the main parts of the interview from the video.

Karl Nielsen from Germany: Yvonne van Dyck from Austria is not available at the moment. She will come at another day later. So I was hopping in for this Facebook live discussion with you Fernando Gil Sanllehí from Peru.
Today we will speak about your Coaching and NLP Institute Jamming, about our associations for NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, Constellation, Mindfulness, and Positive Psychology, about We-Evolve. World, and about your Thinking Styles Assessment. Please just say a little bit more about Jamming and about you. 

Fernando Gil Sanllehí from Peru: I'm here in Peru, the other side of the world, but we're all here connected through the internet. I'm the general manager of Jamming. This company was founded by my dad and I’m keeping up with his steps. I studied business administration that's where I come from. I spent a lot of time in sales departments in transnational companies and I’ve always liked to sell. And now I realize that selling happiness, transformation, and people achieving their goals, is something marvelous.
Jamming is the biggest coaching and NLP training center here in Peru and one of the biggest in Latin America. We have more than 20 years in the coaching world, we have certified coaches for 12 years, do trainings for companies in leadership, and we do trainings for people that want to develop their coaching and NLP skills.
I’m very very happy to be part of We-Evolve. World, where so many Master Trainers are as well selling health, happiness, and success. 

Karl: Yes, this is what I think is what all our associations are for. I'm a co-developer of these associations. They started in 2001 to share experiences and learn from each other. And now we have associations in NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, Constellation, Mindfulness, and Positive Psychology. We have about 7.000 members in 83 countries. All these associations are now under the roof of www.We-Evolve.World

Fernando: For the last few years I’ve always had conversations with a lot of coaches and trainers and I think it's part of our own ego to say: "I’m a coach so coaching is better", or: "I’m an NLP practitioner so NLP is better". So we evolve I think is going a bit further. It's one step further from saying whatever is better is not what you studied but what people need. So why don't we integrate all the tools and all the knowledge and use this for people who are actually benefiting from this. So I think that's a great idea of unifying efforts to create a better world through better people and I’m very very happy to be part of this in in my role with my knowledge and learning a lot and giving a lot as well.

Karl: At the moment from all the challenges we have: COVID, or technical development, or artificial intelligence, or whatever, we will not solve it through technical revolutions or technical new inventions. The only way we have is to understand this miracle of being human. To deeply understand what it really means to be human and to discover the rich insight inside. We are all brothers and sisters and our genes prove that we all come from the same mother in east Africa. We are all connected. I'm sure that this will be the next revolution of mankind that we really understand who we are and what our potential is compared to computers or machines. And this is what our associations are for and what we offer in our associations with NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, Constellation, Mindfulness, and Positive Psychology. This is what you can learn in these associations. When you take the trainings of our Master Trainers you can learn to connect to yourself and the deeper you can connect to yourself the more you can connect to others. This is interlinked. You cannot connect to others without connecting with yourself. A connection is always both ways.
A few months ago, when we were meeting three days with our Master Trainers, discussing all this, we decided to start the We-Evolved. World Facebook and the We-Evolve.World website. This is very new. We created this just two months ago when 53 of our 225 Master Trainers met online for three days: https://www.in-ici.net/congress/paris-2020
So many of our Master Trainers expressed this mission to support humanity, to do the next step in evolving, in transformation.

Fernando: It's about stopping to look outside and starting to look more inward because each individual is transforming himself. It's all about rising levels of awareness, about knowing yourself more in your goals, emotions, and beliefs. Then we will be able to contribute as a group and as a community to evolve the world into a fairer, more aware, more peaceful, and more collaborative world.
We are breaking borders. It's just crazy you're in Germany, Yvonne is in Austria, I’m in Peru and we are live now on Facebook connected. We are actually connected as human beings yeah and that's the main thing to recognize there are more important things than the economy than politics even diseases. It is much more important what people are feeling.  

Karl: Yeah, I totally agree with you! Fernando, you are very successful with online training at Jamming Institute in Peru. You told me that people experience that in the breakout groups, they have very close connections and make the same kind of inner experience of their parts inside themselves that they can make in face-to-face training. So you developed your online training very effectively with big success.

Fernando: When I usually talk with potential clients and customers there's this first ice that has to be broken: Why do you want to study coaching? Usually answers are: I want to have a bigger company, or have more money, or achieve material goals. But when they start the training they always open up and then everybody's looking for something for themselves, like: feel better, be happier, have a relationship to work better. And that unites us as people.

It's the world of beliefs that we have to start breaking. Believes like no no online training doesn't work, or practices have to be live. Sometimes we have to learn through pain, like okay now you can't have any personal trainings what are you gonna do? Are you not going to study? Are you going to sit there and watch TV? Or are we going to look for the good things that we can get from online training?

We have a lot of students that have been face to face with us and now they say I’m not sure if I like more online training or face-to-face training because they have their good and bad sides. When I say something in class and somebody was watching his cell phone or I don't know when they lost it. But here in online training, they can see it again and they can practice it again and they can go more into detail and that translates into better learning.

So what has to happen for us to be evolving towards online training and to bring human beings closer together? Every challenge is a chance to learn new things and to change your belief system. Every challenge is a chance for growth. I think what we are famous for in NLP is that we know that we need to develop solutions first inside ourselves to face a challenge and to grow over obstacles in my ways.
And I think also we have to change that paradigm of going always fast of solving stuff quickly. Changing belief systems is not from one day to the other. You need to work on the process to be happy and to work on the process of learning how to change. We do not want to race to the end of life. We want to enjoy the process of life itself.  

Karl: What is your experience with We-Evolve.World in Peru?

Fernando: Well there's a lot to do here in Peru. We are a different culture than in Europe. Many things are very similar as well, but there's a lot of community service to do here. There are a lot of people that need help but don't have the resources to get help. So it has to do with people helping other people and with people giving what they know to other people.

Sometimes we don't really value a: “Thank you”, or a happy face, or a better family. So we're contributing with involving socially and trying to evolve politically, by changing mindsets, by creating awareness, by unifying instead of differentiating.
When we talk about We-Evolve.World, I don't see anybody saying: “No I don't want a better world with better people. I think that's why we exist as human beings, to be better humans beings. So it's a very beautiful path to be part of transformation and of evolution.  

Karl: I like what you say so much. Can you tell us a little bit more about your Thinking Styles Assessment? I think this is a very interesting approach.

Fernando: I always start explaining this by talking about my family because we're a bit of a crazy family. We're very very diverse. My dad studied economics and finance and now he's a life coach and NLP trainer. My mom is a biologist who is crazy to save all the animals in the world. I study business but I love coaching. My sister loves holistic shamanic stuff and astrology. And my little brother he's just an artist. He sings and acts. So our Sunday lunch conversation is pretty weird.

It’s a lot of results from different studies and of different knowledge what we build up into our Thinking Styles Assessment. That’s how it’s called in Spanish. It's method would be in English something like: “The Method of Being”. What we want to solve with this assessment is that day to day society goes faster, businesses have fewer resources, they want more goals realized, and people have less time to achieve more goals. Our assessment helps you to analyze people, groups, teams, and companies, in a much deeper way. We go into their identity values and belief system. We do the changes that they need to change to be happier, and to achieve better goals. It doesn't matter if it's professional or personal. I’m a true believer that people who achieve their goals are happier people. That's what we want to do with this assessment. It's only three years old. It's like a baby, but it's having great great results and helps a lot of people to evolve to better versions of themselves. So I always say it's made in Peru for the world so that they know where we are and what we can do if people are interested in this Thinking Styles Assessment. It has the potential to make people happier.

It starts with the basic archetypes of C. G. Jung. We have mixed it with coaching, NLP, hypnosis, astrology, and energy. So it starts very weird like everything is energy and then it goes towards strategic planning and talent development. It measures you in different levels. We're talking about two axes. You can be oriented to yourself or to others. Or you can be orientated to order or to chaos. Then you're going to have some levels of mixtures of that being type. And then we're going to measure how is your brain and your conduct working in four different types, which i call north east southwest, like cardinal points. And we measure that in your childhood, we measure that in your superficial beliefs, in your a bit deeper beliefs, and how you operate in your work, and how, you operate in your free time. So with all that we we evaluate qualitative and quantitative information. It also measures your feeling tone, which we call so to see how happy you are. With all that analysis, we have certain tools and certain processes to help people to make the adjustments that they need to go towards their goals. It's pretty nice. At the beginning, students don't know what I am talking about. They think I'm crazy. But at the end everything consolidates and they actually enjoy it a lot. People respond very good to the results of the assessment.

It is already good for children at school. I've done feedbacks for a 14 year old that was talking about what he wants to be in life. And a 25 year old person that only wanted to play Nintendo and watch TV. So it has more to do with maturity, awareness, and expectation of life. So I work it out pretty good in a what you want to study conversations. But people have to be aware of what they want in life. With that goal we can proceed.

Most other tools are created by psychologists who put all this psychology brain in it that wants to detect everything very specific, but sometimes they lose context of what does the people exactly want. If a business is hiring this they don't want to investigate the person. They want to achieve results. So this evaluation has been created for the business world. It helps as well a lot in the psychology world, but it's more towards: Which is your goal?, and: How are you going to go there? So it's a lot of coaching thinking in the assessment and we don't want to judge anybody. We don't want to put a label, like you have this or that. No you are an incredible person and you have all the resources to achieve the goals that you want. That's the approach of the assessment. I think that people have so many power inside and that it's a good thing to make access to what's the power of someone inside so that he can live his own power and that he can trust himself.

Karl: When I understand your Thinking Styles Assessment correctly then it goes in this direction to free the giant inside so that people can more easily reach their goals and be happy at the same time.
Maybe you can just tell me a little bit more about Peru and what you're offering there. You're offering NLP and coaching.  What do you think people love most from your Jamming Institute?  

Fernando: Our main course and certification is neuro-linguistic coaching. Coaching with NLP. People in Peru don't know a lot about coaching. They think it's like jumping and smiling and clapping and hugging. So we have a big responsibility of educating people on what coaching is and how it can be good for their lives. A lot of people start like: I want to be a better leader in my company. But everybody, once they're in our trainings, they say woah I didn't imagine how cool this is, how much this is helping me personally and how it can help others. So then they keep studying with us.

They start with NLP coaching. Then they go to executive coaching. Then to team coaching. And then they want to know better and deeper how human beings work. Then they go to NLP practitioner and NLP Master and Hypnosis.

We have something that is more Latin. It's ontological coaching, which works a lot with the being. That's how we have to change our beliefs to change our biology. It's very emotional. So people here in in Latin America they're very closed sometimes and keep a lot of emotion inside themselves. So it helps people to manifest and to heal some stuff they have.

I would say our main product what people most ask is coaching with NLP, because this touches their emotions not too deeply and they see transformation out there. They see how they achieve goals and they're pretty happy. More and more companies are doing this as well with their people and getting good results.

Please find more about Jamming Institute here: www.jamming.pe

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